Elevate your health practice
with precision and ease
An app for all empowered healthcare professionals


Connect./ Collaborate./ Care

Connect. /Collaborate./ Care


Digitised Clinic

Retain patients
in your practice.

Internal Communication

Work as a team,
not as individuals.

External Communication

Referral doctors
are partners.

A Digital Workspace for Every Practice Location, to
Stay Connected
with Patients and Collaborate with your Team Members.

Dello+ PRO Clinic Workspace features


View every single OPD patient along with their medical history.


View patient queues from anywhere and make changes to practice times.

Patient Chat

Connect/chat with any patient if needed or respond to those seeking advice.


Refer patients to doctors, hospitals & labs along with pts’ digital data.

Record Payments

Track payments received on daily/weekly basis.


Tele-consult with a patient for a follow up to manage the practice workload.

Dello+ PRO Hospital Workspace Features


View each of their In-patient & ICU patients contact and clinical data.


Move towards collaborative care along with other consultants/specialists/lab technicians/admins/receptionist.

Team Chats

Informally chat with any team member on treatment options and next steps.

Medical Notes

Type medical notes to augment In-patient treatment plan.

Medical Records

Share relevant medical records of in-patients.

Track Referrals

Track referrals from peripheral doctors and update on patient progress.

Why Dello+ PRO


Build a relationship
practice instead
of transactional

Medical History

Ensures continuity of care by
showing past history
anytime and anywhere


Digitise and retrieve
clinical documents, photos,
audios and videos.


Enhance collaboration
among practitioners for

Easy Appointments

Facilitates intuitive
(walk-in, phone, priority patients)


Boost clinical
performance and

Simple Pricing



Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support


Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support
Per Month, Billed Annually


Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support
Per Month, Billed Annually

Trusted by


suraj uthappa

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Fantastic app really makes it simpler to handle patient
appointments and easy digitization of patient information.

Dello+ Patient App

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Dello+?

Dello+ is an open ecosystem for healthcare practitioners to exchange patient contact and clinical data seamlessly using a suite of mobile applications for doctors, diagnostic labs, and hospitals to improve patient care continuity.

What are the key benefits ?

– It’s a network of healthcare service providers to exchange patient contact and clinical data.
– Minimal change to your current process and requires very little self-training.
– No new investments in IT infrastructure (computer & printer).
– Broadcast to your patients on specific products and services.
– Stay connected with your patients, always and improve retention.

How does Dello+ ensure data security?

Patient data is secured at different levels, both in rest and transit. The practitioners will use OTPs, and PIN on their mobile phones to limit access while the app supports role based access of patient information. Additionally, patient data access is restricted depending on the needs of individual or group clinics, hospital administrators, visiting consultants, lab technicians, admin staff, etc. Further, SSL, HIPAA, FHIR7 etc., are adopted to comply with international standards (Similar to the banking apps).

Why do I need the app?

Many tangible and intangible benefits like below.
– full access to patient contact/clinical data anywhere anytime
– track patient referrals sent to doctors, labs and hospitals
– issue/view patient appointments for in-clinic and teleconsults, anytime
– stay connected with patients anonymously (phone number invisible)
– no patient ratings, no free phone consults, etc


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Ready to launch your app
in one, appealing page

A simple yet modern solution to showcase your app


Manage / Organize/ Speed up

Manage / Organize / Speed up

why smool

Designed to let you create a landing page in almost no time



Professionally crafted in Webflow with usability in mind


Easy to edit to fit any style without writing a line of code

Aliquam tincidunt quis leo euismod iaculis. In sollicitudin erat nec condimentum
efficitur. Nunc purus felis, pharetra ut eros at, euismod semper sem. Maecenas mi
nisi, cursus et arcu quis
, ultrices maximus ipsum.

Comes standard with these
awesome features

Light and dark mode

Aliquam tincidunt quis leo euismod iaculis.

Fully Responsive

Aliquam tincidunt quis leo euismod iaculis.

Clean and modern design

Aliquam tincidunt quis leo euismod iaculis.

Smooth interactions

Aliquam tincidunt quis leo euismod iaculis.

What you can do

Easy customization

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

High usability

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

Subscribe Forms

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

Friendly support

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

Useful components

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

Browsers compatibility

Fingerprint, Hall, Accelerometer,
Gyroscope, Proximity,
RGB Ambient Light Sensor, Electronic
Compass, Sensor Hub

Simple Pricing



Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support


Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support
Per Month, Billed Annually


Modern Design
Easy to Customize
Quickly Set Up A Website
Another Feature
24/7 Customer Support
Per Month, Billed Annually

trusted by


Bill Verso

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce mattis justo non pharetra varius. Duis euismod ex ac leo faucibus bibendum. Maecenas pretium nulla sit amet laoreet facilisis.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Frequently Asked

Is it always recommended to add a FAQ section?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget ipsum ut libero aliquam pellentesque. Phasellus fermentum justo ut nisl aliquet tincidunt. Maecenas blandit feugiat nulla a tincidunt.

Why are Frequently Asked Questions important for usability?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget ipsum ut libero aliquam pellentesque. Phasellus fermentum justo ut nisl aliquet tincidunt. Maecenas blandit feugiat nulla a tincidunt.

Where do I usually find FAQs in a page?

Pellentesque a imperdiet purus. Quisque elementum posuere erat, id mattis nibh. Morbi mattis odio felis, quis facilisis ante elementum vitae. Mauris ornare pharetra condimentum. Nulla tincidunt nibh vel purus aliquet, ut cursus purus feugiat. In cursus sollicitudin cursus.

Are Frequently Asked Questions really useful?

Pellentesque a imperdiet purus. Quisque elementum posuere erat, id mattis nibh. Morbi mattis odio felis, quis facilisis ante elementum vitae. Mauris ornare pharetra condimentum. Nulla tincidunt nibh vel purus aliquet, ut cursus purus feugiat. In cursus sollicitudin cursus.


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Comes with everything you
need to launch your APP

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